Sagging door repairman in Olathe

By oakenarcer •  Updated: 11/09/23 •  1 min read

door repairman in Olathe we were tasked with fixing five interior doors, which are either come off the hinges we’re not closing or sticking closed or were dragging at the bottom of the door for sagging doors is to assess the situation for each store to determine the right approach for all the doors replaced the small screws with larger screws that would secure the door hinges more thoroughly enabling the doors to shut at all in a level manner for one door we diagnose we found that there were staples in the bottom of the door that has not been removed on installation and we’re dragging on the floor. We remove the staples and reset the door with the stronger longer screws if you’re looking for a sagging door repair man in Olathe. Please feel free to reach out to us today and will get you on our schedule. Thank you.