Board Up services in overland park

By oakenarcer •  Updated: 10/24/23 •  5 min read

Title: Navigating Emergencies with Board Up Services in Overland Park

In the heart of Johnson County, Kansas, Overland Park is no stranger to the unexpected twists of nature and accidents that can leave properties vulnerable without board up services. From harsh weather conditions to unforeseen mishaps, these incidents often lead to the need for immediate and reliable board up services. These essential services play a crucial role in protecting properties from further damage and securing them against unauthorized entry.

board up service in overland park

What are Board Up Services?
Board up services refer to the process of installing boards on doors, windows, and other openings of a building or home to secure it from external elements and intrusion. This service is often sought after natural disasters, fires, or other events that compromise the structural integrity or security of a property.

Why Overland Park Needs These Services

  1. Weather-Related Damages: Overland Park experiences a range of weather conditions, including severe storms, high winds, and occasionally, tornadoes. Such weather events can cause significant damage to homes and businesses, necessitating immediate board up to prevent further harm.
  2. Accidents and Fires: Accidents, whether from vehicular impacts or internal mishaps, can result in broken windows or doors. Fires, another common emergency, can weaken structures and leave properties exposed.
  3. Vandalism and Security Concerns: Empty or damaged properties are prone to vandalism. Board up services help in safeguarding these vulnerable properties.

The Process of Boarding Up
Professional board up services involve more than just nailing plywood over openings. These companies use specific techniques and materials to ensure the boarded-up area is secure and causes minimal damage to the existing structure. The process usually includes:

  1. Assessment: Professionals first assess the extent of damage and determine the areas that need boarding.
  2. Measurement and Cutting: Tailored measurements are taken for each opening, and boards are cut accordingly to ensure a precise fit.
  3. Securing the Boards: Boards are then securely affixed to the openings, often using specific fastening methods that minimize damage to the structure.
  4. Sealing and Covering: In some cases, tarps or additional coverings may be used to protect against water damage.

Choosing the Right Board Up Service in Overland Park
When selecting a board up service in Overland Park, several factors should be considered:

What is the average cost of board up services in overland Park?

The average cost of board up services in Overland Park, Kansas, can vary widely depending on several factors. These factors include the size and number of windows or openings that need to be boarded, the urgency of the service (emergency services may cost more), the type of boarding material used, and any additional services such as debris removal or tarping.

In general, you might expect the following:

  1. Basic Board Up Services: For standard window sizes, the cost can range from $20 to $50 per board, which includes materials and labor. This price can increase for larger windows or more complex boarding requirements.
  2. Emergency Service Premiums: If you need board up services outside of standard business hours or immediately following a disaster, there might be additional fees. Emergency services could increase the cost by 50% or more.
  3. Full Property Board Up: In cases where an entire property needs to be secured, such as after a fire or severe storm damage, the cost can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars. The total price depends on the size of the property and the extent of the boarding needed.
  4. Additional Services: If the service includes securing roofs with tarps or addressing special security concerns, the cost can increase accordingly.
  5. Travel and Transportation Fees: Depending on the location of the property in relation to the service provider, there may be additional charges for travel and transportation.

It’s important to get quotes from several local service providers to get a more accurate estimate based on your specific needs. Insurance may cover some or all of these costs if the boarding up is due to an insured event, like damage from a storm or fire. Always consult with your insurance provider to understand what is covered under your policy.

For the most current and specific pricing, contacting local Overland Park board up service providers directly is recommended, as prices can fluctuate and may have changed since my last training data in April 2023.

In Overland Park, board up services are an essential aspect of emergency response. They provide immediate protection for properties, offering peace of mind to homeowners and business owners alike. By understanding the importance of these services and how to choose the right provider, residents can effectively prepare for and respond to the unexpected, ensuring their property remains secure and damage is minimized in the face of emergencies.


How quickly can board up services respond in Overland Park?

Response times vary, but local services often promise rapid response, sometimes within an hour of being contacted.

Are board up services covered by insurance?

In many cases, yes, especially if the boarding up is due to an insured event like a storm or fire.

Can I board up my property myself after damage?

While it’s possible, it’s generally recommended to use professional services to ensure the security and integrity of the boarding.

Do board up services help with repair and restoration?

Many board up services in Overland Park also offer or are affiliated with repair and restoration services for comprehensive post-emergency care.

Is it necessary to board up after every kind of damage?