Cabinet Painter in Independence

By oakenarcer •  Updated: 11/17/23 •  1 min read

As a cabinet painter in independence, Missouri, we recently were tasked with painting, a newly purchased set of cabinets in the condominium. Our client was remodeling for her new home. We were happy to oblige this request to get these cabinets painted perfectly in a great green color that she had selected are stylish. Client wanted something that matched some other items she had reviewed online as we were happy to get painted in the way that made her happy this cabinet painting job in independence took us approximately three days of time in the home this included time for sanding, filling defects, priming and two coats of paint sometimes three coats of paint for the cabinets needed them , we successfully painted these cabinets in the three day time. And left the Home as clean as we found it if you’re looking for a cabinet Painter in independence Missouri, please reach out today and will get you taken care of immediately.