Door installer in Bonner Springs

By oakenarcer •  Updated: 11/10/23 •  1 min read

As a door installer in Bonner Springs, we recently were tasked with fixing six interior doors that our client had recently purchased, but did not fit correctly over the phone. We were able to give our client a fair quote what she was surprised at the fairness of.

we got to the job site reviewed the doors. we took measurements of each door lock those measurements and then we set up the doors one by one for planing and chiseling. We planed the doors with our Bosch wood planer t to takeoff 1/4 of quarter inch of each door in order to get them to fit appropriately into the door frames . we then used our Bosch router and a door hinge routing jig to carve out the areas for the hinges and got the door set appropriately for this customer.

if you’re looking for a Door installer in Bonner Springs, Please reach out to us immediately and we will organize a time to talk about your project.