Drop Ceiling Installers in Overland Park

By oakenarcer •  Updated: 08/22/23 •  5 min read


One of our clients found us on Nextdoor as drop ceiling installers in Overland Park. She came to us with a small basement in two areas that she wanted to apply drop ceilings to. We’re happy to oblige and we took on the project after assessing the situation as being a great fit for Oaken Archer as well as the client.

Before starting work, we took time to plan out the grid areas, our working process, and our work area. After planning was complete we ensured we had all materials on hand after procuring the grid system materials from our local supplier

We took our laser levels and began to set up the leveling of the grid approximately 3 inches below the lowest item that was hanging from the existing ceiling area. This level line directs where we install the grid framing around the edge of the ceiling area.

After that, we installed the grid main bars across the length of the ceiling and then we installed the smaller crossbars. We then measured out the appropriate panels that need to be cut in order to start the outer edges of drop panel ceiling. We never start an edge of a drop ceiling with a full panel always cut them in half or cut them to the specifications needed for sure that the middle of the ceiling has full panels and that neither side has uneven width panels. It makes for a more symmetrical look.

We successfuly installed our drop ceiling panels across all three areas of the basement that we were working on. We also reset some lighting heights of the existing lighting and dropped them to the level of the drop ceiling, then installed them and cut holes in the panels for the new lights.

If you’re looking for drop ceiling installers and Overland Park, please reach out to us right now will help you immediately.

4 Frequently Asked Drop Ceiling Questions

We love working on drop ceilings and they make your home Basement much more organized and much more finished. We also do nearly any other home improvement task including normal handyman work in Overland park.

We can also do drop ceiling removal in Kansas City.

What to look for when hiring drop ceiling installers in overland park

Installing a drop ceiling can be a transformative change for any room, whether in a residential or commercial space. This type of ceiling has several advantages, including improved acoustics, better light diffusion, and the ability to hide plumbing, electrical, and other infrastructure elements. However, the benefits you reap from a drop ceiling are closely tied to the quality of installation. A poorly installed drop ceiling will not only look bad, but it may also pose safety risks and fail to provide the benefits it’s designed to offer. Therefore, it’s crucial to find a reliable and skilled drop ceiling installer for your project.

Here’s what to look for when hiring a drop ceiling installer:

Experience and Skill Level

Drop ceiling installation is not a simple DIY project; it requires a specific skill set, precision, and an understanding of the space where the ceiling will be installed. Therefore, you should seek installers with ample experience in the specific type of drop ceiling you wish to install. It’s often beneficial to ask for a portfolio or case studies of previous projects.


Reputation matters. Check your drop ceiling installers customer reviews online, ask for testimonials, or seek recommendations from people who have had a similar project done. Ratings and reviews can give you an overview of previous customers’ satisfaction levels. A good reputation is often indicative of quality work and professionalism.

Licenses and Certifications

Ensure that the installer has the required licenses and certifications. While requirements may vary by jurisdiction, generally speaking, a licensed contractor will have undergone formal training and assessment, thereby ensuring a level of proficiency and adherence to building codes.

Quotation and Cost Estimates

A professional drop ceiling installer should be able to provide you with a detailed quote outlining the scope of work, materials needed, and an estimated timeline. Beware of quotes that are significantly lower than others; the installer might be cutting corners, using subpar materials, or might not be including all the costs upfront.

Customer Service and Communication

Good communication is key to any successful project. The drop ceiling installers should be able to answer your questions clearly, update you on progress, and be easy to contact. The quality of customer service often mirrors the quality of the work you can expect.

Insurance and Warranty

Make sure the installer has liability insurance to cover any potential damages to your property or injuries on the job. Furthermore, reputable drop ceiling installers should offer a warranty on their work, ensuring that any issues that arise post-installation within a specified period are corrected at no additional cost to you.

Material Quality

Discuss the type of materials that will be used for the project. High-quality materials will be more durable, look better, and often come with better manufacturer warranties.


Last but not least, ask how long the project will take. While you want the job done quickly, you also want it done right. Ensure the timeline is realistic and that the drop ceiling installers can commit to it.

In summary, hiring drop ceiling installers is a decision that should be made carefully, considering factors like experience, reputation, and professionalism. Doing so will ensure that you not only enhance the aesthetics of your space but also invest in a functional and durable solution.