Drop Ceiling Remover in Kansas City

By oakenarcer •  Updated: 10/27/23 •  8 min read
drop ceiling remover in kansas city

As a drop ceiling remover in Kansas City, we were recently tasked with an urgent project from one of our clients in Overland Park. This client required immediate removal of acoustical tiles from the basement of their home. This was needed to enable electricians to work in the area and also to prepare the area for new ceiling tiles, because the old drop ceiling tiles were needing replaced .

within hours of receiving this clients request, we were able to get to their home to quickly scope out the project and provide them a quote in the same day

Upon accepting the quote and making a menial deposit, we scheduled them for the next business day to start work.

Part of the drop ceiling remover process was that we prepared the area to keep the home absolutely clean while we worked, so we spent a great deal of time to add plastic sheeting and protective coverage to all surface areas under the work areas in about 1600 ft.² of work area.

We then safely and efficiently removed each tile , bringing them immediately into construction bags to reduce the amount of debris and dust coming off of the removed ceiling tiles from the drop ceiling remover project.

After removing all of the ceiling tiles from the entire space, we then proceeded to shop vac out all the rafters and all the nooks and crannies above the previous ceiling tile set up. We were able to remove a lot of spiderwebs, saw dust, dust rodent debris, and other debris from the rafters so that this client felt that their new drop ceiling installation would be starting with a clean slate.

We also sprayed disinfectant in areas that has shown rodent activity and we scrubbed away areas had rodent activity along the outside walls of each room .

We then cleaned the grid support system for the drop ceiling remover in Kansas City project so that any new ceiling tiles could easily go in with minimal effort. We also aligned and squared the grid approximately so that any future install would also go easier after cleaning the jobsite and I’m sure in every nook and cranny of the ceiling was well cleaned and ready to go. We successfully completed the project and her client was extremely happy. Please review the gallery below to see some before, and after results of our work in this

If you need a drop ceiling remover or drop ceiling installer in Kansas City, please feel free to reach out to us immediately and we will get you a call as soon as possible. Thank you.

Hiring a Drop Ceiling Remover in Kansas City: What You Need to Know

Kansas City, known for its rich cultural heritage and bustling urban life, also harbors an array of homes and buildings, many of which are equipped with drop ceilings. While drop ceilings have their advantages, there comes a time when removal or renovation is necessary, either for aesthetic updates, repair purposes, or to replace with a more modern design. This is where hiring a professional drop ceiling remover becomes essential.

Understanding Drop Ceilings

Before diving into the hiring process, it’s important to understand what drop ceilings are. They consist of tiles or panels set in a metal grid suspended from the original ceiling. Often used to conceal electrical wiring, plumbing, and HVAC systems, they also provide sound insulation and are easier to repair or replace compared to traditional ceilings.

Reasons for Hiring a Drop Ceiling Remover in Kansas City

  1. Modernization: Drop ceilings, especially older ones, can give a dated look to a space. Removing them can modernize the room.
  2. Damage Repair: Water damage, mold, or sagging tiles often necessitate removal and replacement.
  3. Height Adjustment: Removing a drop ceiling can increase room height, creating a more spacious feel.
  4. Energy Efficiency: Updating to more efficient materials or designs can improve a building’s energy efficiency.