Exterior Light Installer in Olathe

By oakenarcer •  Updated: 11/17/23 •  1 min read

S Aller in Olathe as an exterior light installer and Oa Olathe were recently tasked with replacing the front porch lights of this beautiful home we took off the old light fixtures and disconnected the previous structure and electrical wiring connections from the original light fixture. We then read the instructions for the new light fixture just to be sure there weren’t any couches after that we assembled the light fixture replaced light fixture on the electrical box to see if it would fit and be secure when we finalize the secure process we then wired up the light fixture appropriately with new wiring covers and fasteners Ventura secure electrical connection for this next year and job in Olathe successfully got the lights up and they look great. We installed the lightbulbs for the customers well so they have a beautiful new front patio entryway. If you’re interested in hiring an exterior light installer in Olathe please reach out today we will get back to you as soon as posssible