Exterior trim repair in Scarritt Renaissance

By oakenarcer •  Updated: 08/02/23 •  4 min read

OurRecently, a customer in Skerritt Renaissance contacted us for exterior trim repair on trim that had been extremely damaged.We assessed the situation got a new trim board from the hardware store and miter cut the board to fit the proper length of the trim we done painted and caulked the trim to match the existing trim of the house as closely as possible

As you can see in the pictures below, the problem is solved and our customer is happy with the results. If you’re looking for exterior trim repair in Scarrit Renaissance for the greater Kansas City area, please feel free to reach out to us here on our website. We also did many other projects for this home including garage door repair, lighting, interior trim, and much more.

Exterior Trim Repair in Scarritt Renaissance

Exterior Trim Repair in Scarrit Renaissance

The exterior trim of a house not only enhances its visual appeal but also plays a pivotal role in protecting the home from the elements. Over time, however, even the sturdiest trim can fall victim to weather, insects, or regular wear and tear. It might show signs of damage, such as cracking, rotting, or chipping paint. Thankfully, exterior trim repair is a manageable task for homeowners and can significantly prolong the life of the trim while ensuring the home remains protected and aesthetically pleasing.

Identifying the Damage

Before embarking on a repair mission, you need to assess the extent of the damage. Minor issues like small cracks or chipped paint can be quickly addressed with some patching and paint. However, significant rot or extensive damage might necessitate replacing entire sections of trim. In such cases, it’s vital to inspect and ensure the underlying structure or wall isn’t damaged, as this could be indicative of a larger problem.

Tools and Materials

For basic exterior trim repair, you’d typically require:

The Repair Process

  1. Removal: Begin by carefully prying away any rotted or severely damaged portions of the trim using a pry bar. Be gentle to avoid causing further damage to surrounding areas.
  2. Cleaning: Before proceeding with repairs, clean the area to remove dirt, loose paint, or old caulk. This ensures better adhesion for fillers and paints.
  3. Filling & Patching: For minor damages like cracks or small holes, use wood filler or epoxy. Apply it with a putty knife, and smooth it out to align with the trim’s surface. Allow it to dry as per the manufacturer’s recommendation.
  4. Sanding: Once the filler is dry, sand the patched areas to ensure a smooth finish. Start with a coarser grit like 80 or 100 and finish with a finer grit like 220 for a flawless surface.
  5. Replacing Trim: If some trim sections are beyond repair, cut the replacement trim to the desired length. Secure it in place using nails, ensuring it aligns well with the existing trim.
  6. Caulking: Caulk any gaps between the trim and the house. This step is crucial as it prevents water and pests from getting behind the trim, potentially causing more damage in the future.
  7. Priming & Painting: Finally, prime the repaired or replaced sections to prepare them for painting. After the primer dries, paint the trim to match the existing color or give it a fresh coat as desired.

Prevention is Key for Exterior Trim Repair in Scarritt Renaissance

After repairing, it’s essential to take preventive measures to ensure the longevity of the trim, especially for exterior trim repair in Scarritt Renassance old homes. Regularly inspecting the trim for early signs of damage can help catch issues before they escalate. Applying a good quality paint and primer can provide the trim with a protective layer against moisture and UV rays. In regions prone to pests like termites, treating the trim with appropriate insect repellents or using pest-resistant materials can also be beneficial.

In conclusion, exterior trim repair is a necessary maintenance task for homeowners aiming to keep their home’s facade looking its best and ensuring its protection against the elements. With the right tools, materials, and techniques, most trim repair projects can be completed efficiently and effectively, restoring beauty and functionality to a home’s exterior.