Floor Leveling Contractor in Overland Park

By oakenarcer •  Updated: 09/26/23 •  4 min read

As a floor, leveling contractor in Overland Park we were recently tasked with helping our customer get her floors prepared for engineered hardwood plank flooring. One of the main tasks was to come up with a solution to level the floor in a cost-effective manner.

We initially proposed to remove the entire subfloor and replace and re-leveled the entire floor however, the customer found this to be outside of her budget and settled with the task of adding a floor leveling compound to even out the floor in problem areas. We assessed the situation by using our laser level and other leveling tools to determine where the floor was thinking and where the floor was wavy. Flooring for all high and low spots and exact measurements of how high and low they were. We then installed leveling pins to ensure that when we poured the leveling compound, it would be perfectly level at the areas we needed.

We successfully poured the leveling concrete in the main problem areas and got the floor to the point of being level enough to install the engineered hardwood plank flooring. If you need a floor leveling contractor in Overland Park please reach out to us today and we will help you assess your situation and determine the right path for your budget and your quality needs

Hiring a Floor Leveling Contractor in Overland Park, Kansas

In Overland Park, Kansas, the demand for home improvement and remodeling services is ever-growing. Floor leveling is one of the crucial components that homeowners and business owners need to consider for a stable and safe structure. Hiring a floor leveling contractor is essential to ensure your floors are correctly leveled and to prevent future complications.

Why Floor Leveling is Essential

Floor leveling is vital for maintaining the integrity of a structure. An uneven floor can lead to various problems, including safety hazards, discomfort, and long-term damage to the building. Moreover, it can affect the value of the property negatively, making it essential to address any floor unevenness promptly.

What to Consider When Hiring a Contractor

When hiring a floor leveling contractor in Overland Park, it’s essential to consider the following factors:

  1. Experience and Expertise:
  1. Licensing and Insurance:
  1. References and Reviews:
  1. Quotes and Estimates:
  1. Contract and Warranty:

Identifying a Reputable Contractor

Reputable floor leveling contractors in Overland Park, such as John’s Floor Leveling Services and Overland Pro Levelers, have established themselves through consistent quality work and customer satisfaction. They typically offer services like floor leveling, subfloor repair, and floor installation, ensuring that customers receive comprehensive solutions for their flooring needs.

When identifying a reputable contractor, it’s helpful to:

The Importance of Local Contractors

Hiring a local contractor in Overland Park, Kansas, like those mentioned, can have several advantages:

  1. Understanding of Local Building Codes:
  1. Accessibility:
  1. Community Reputation:
  1. Economic Contribution:


The selection of a floor leveling contractor in Overland Park, Kansas, is a significant decision impacting the safety, aesthetics, and value of your property. By considering factors such as experience, licensing, reputation, and locality, property owners can make well-informed decisions in selecting a contractor who meets their specific needs and ensures the longevity and stability of their floors.

Whether you’re looking to remodel your home or address specific floor leveling needs, prioritizing the above-mentioned considerations will ensure the successful completion of your project and provide peace of mind knowing that your property is in capable hands.