Kitchen Cabinet Repair in Prarie Village

By oakenarcer •  Updated: 05/26/23 •  1 min read

A prarie village handyman customer of ours had some tasks for us and one of those tasks was to fix two kitchen cabinet drawers for them.

They scheduled a request in our new system online, then we went on the call to repair their broken kitchen cabinets in their prarie village home.

One small utensil drawer was totally broken and could not open . See picture below:

For our prarie village cabinet repair service we brought some small nails, wood glue, and patience. We successfully re-seated the kitchen utensil drawwr bottom to the side slots, nailed the front to the sides, and applied some wood glue to the sides attaching the bottom. We then clamped the drawer in place .

The second drawer that needed repair at this prarie village cabinet repair job was much simpler. The bottom had become displaced so we re set it, and nailed it a little tighter, added some wood glue and clamped. Before and after below: