Oaks Ridge and Oaks Ridge Meadows Attic Drywall Issue

By oakenarcer •  Updated: 12/18/23 •  3 min read

Addressing the Attic Drywall Crisis in Oaks Ridge Meadows


Oaks Ridge Meadows, a serene subdivision in Lee’s Summit, MO, known for its harmonious living and picturesque fourplex condominiums, is currently facing an unexpected and distressing problem. Residents have reported incidents of drywall in their attics becoming loose and, in some cases, causing significant damage. This issue, seemingly isolated at first, has now raised concerns among the community, indicating a potential widespread structural problem.

Here’s an example of damage caused from drywall falling in the home of Gwendolyn S of Oaks Ridge Meadows:

Another example from Shirly R. , another concerned neighbor in Oaks Ridge Meadows.

The Emerging Problem

The uniform design of the condominiums in Oaks Ridge Meadows suggests a systemic issue likely tied to the construction methods or materials used by the same builder. The problem lies in the attic drywall, which has become loose over time. In several instances, this has led to the drywall falling, causing damage within the homes. The consistency in design and construction across the subdivision raises the likelihood that this could become a common issue for most, if not all, residents.

Potential Causes and Implications

As you can see in the image below, we found many loose drywall nails in both units. These nails may loosen more over time. One loose nail could easily lead to sagging and then falling drywall

Experts speculate that the cause could be multi-faceted: improper installation, substandard materials, or even environmental factors like humidity or temperature fluctuations. The implications of this issue are far-reaching. Apart from the immediate need for repairs, there are concerns about the potential decrease in property values and the safety risks posed by falling drywall. Moreover, if left unaddressed, the problem could lead to more severe structural damage and costly long-term repairs.

Residents’ Response and Awareness

The response from residents has been one of concern and a call for action. Many were unaware of the potential risk lurking in their attics. This lack of awareness underscores the need for a comprehensive inspection of all the condominiums in the subdivision to assess the extent of the problem.

Oaken Archer’s Role in Remediation

Oaken Archer, a company specializing in home renovations and repairs, has stepped forward to offer solutions. Recognized for their expertise in structural repairs, they propose a systematic approach to tackle this issue:

  1. Free Inspections: Oaken Archer is offering free attic inspections to all residents of Oaks Ridge Meadows to assess the extent of the problem.
  2. Customized Repair Plans: Based on the inspection findings, they will provide tailored solutions for each unit, ensuring the structural integrity and safety of the homes.
  3. Preventive Measures: Besides repairs, Oaken Archer aims to implement preventive measures to avoid similar issues in the future.

The Importance of Timely Action

Delaying repairs could lead to worsening conditions, posing safety risks and potentially increasing the financial burden on homeowners. Oaken Archer emphasizes the importance of early intervention to mitigate further damage and ensure the longevity of the properties.


The situation in Oaks Ridge Meadows serves as a reminder of the importance of regular home maintenance and the need for quality construction practices. As residents and Oaken Archer collaborate to resolve this issue, it also highlights the strength of community action in facing unforeseen challenges. With timely intervention and expert assistance, Oaks Ridge Meadows can hope to restore not only the physical integrity of its homes but also the peace of mind of its residents.