Patio Screen repairman in Olathe

By oakenarcer •  Updated: 11/17/23 •  1 min read

A a patio screen repair man in Olathe we recently took the job of fixing this patio screen for a customer. A tree branch had fallen onto the screen and loosened it from its trim and stapling.

We assessed the situation first determine the right tools we needed to fix this patio screen, and then begin the job. The customer had purchased some new screen to install. However, we found that existing screen would work fine. It just needed to be re-stapled and stretched to fit appropriately. The repair went well and we successfully got the screen back up to the standards that our client desired

if you’re looking for a patio screen repairman in Olathe please reach out to us today on our website and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Thank you .