Silt Fence Installer in Kansas City

By oakenarcer •  Updated: 01/21/24 •  2 min read

Oaken Archer LLC, a renowned silt fence installer in Kansas City, specializes in installing silt fences to protect construction sites and landscapes from sediment runoff. Silt fences are crucial for erosion control and maintaining environmental compliance. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how Oaken Archer LLC installs silt fences for their customers.

Step 1: Site Assessment and Planning

Before any installation begins, Oaken Archer LLC conducts a thorough site assessment. This involves evaluating the terrain, identifying the flow direction of water, and determining the optimal placement for the silt fence. The team also considers local regulations and environmental factors.

Step 2: Gathering Materials

The materials required for silt fence installation include:

Oaken Archer LLC ensures that all materials are of high quality and suitable for the specific site conditions.

Step 3: Installing the Stakes

The process begins with driving stakes into the ground along the planned fence line. These stakes are usually placed 3 to 6 feet apart, depending on the soil type and slope. The team uses a post driver to ensure the stakes are securely anchored.

Step 4: Attaching the Fabric

Once the stakes are in place, the silt fence fabric is unrolled and attached to the stakes. The fabric is typically secured using staples or wire ties. Oaken Archer LLC ensures that the fabric is taut and buried at least 6 inches into the ground to prevent undercutting by water.

Step 5: Backfilling and Compacting

The team then backfills the trench where the fabric is buried and compacts the soil. This step is crucial to prevent water from running underneath the fence.

Step 6: Inspection and Maintenance

After installation, Oaken Archer LLC inspects the fence to ensure it’s properly installed and effective. They also provide maintenance services to repair any damage and ensure the fence continues to function correctly throughout the construction project.


Oaken Archer LLC’s methodical approach to silt fence installation ensures that their customers receive the best possible service. Their expertise in assessing the site, choosing the right materials, and meticulous installation process guarantees effective erosion control and environmental protection.