Traeger pellet smoker cleaning services in Olathe

By oakenarcer •  Updated: 07/14/23 •  1 min read

We recently had the opportunity to provide smoker cleaning services to our customer in Olathe. We arrived at the site to find the traeger pellet smoker in fairly good condition but it had some normal surface wear on the outside and plenty of buildup on the inside.

Great pellet smoker but needed a little touch up to bring it back to like new.

We took this pellet smokers components out to clean them: grates, drip pan, pellet cover and soaked them in degreaser then pressure washed the bbq smoker components two times. After that we manually scrubbed the components with Brillo pads and cleaning solution to remove any remaining debris.

After that we applied degreasing solution and soaked the main area. For smokers, we can’t pressure wash because there is no drainage, so we manually scrubbed it with brillo pads for a few rounds.

After the interior was cleared out and restored, we moved onto the exterior to restore the surfaces of the exterior and add extra shine to worn top and side panels. 

If you need pellet smoker cleaning services in Olathe, you know where to find us.